CALD News You Can Use Week 10 – 16 of September 2014

September 16, 2014 5:29 am Published by 0 Comments



Inadequate Employment and Security Plus Instability Causing Exodus Suu Kyi
September 15 2014

Inadequate employment and security, plus political instability are still causing people to leave the country, MP Aung San Suu Kyi has said.
Suu Kyi, the chairperson of National League for Democracy, said these words to reporters during a break after the 11th Union Parliamentary session on Friday.

Myanmar to resume parliament sessions in Nay Pyi Taw
September 11 2014

Myanmar’s parliament is due to resume its sessions of the House of Representatives (Lower House) and the House of Nationalities (Upper House) in Nay Pyi Taw later on Thursday.
Along with dozens of bills seeking approval in the 11th parliament sessions, the parliament is expected to mainly hear the final reports of the Committee for Implementing the Constitutional Amendment and that of a commission of the House of Representatives (Lower House) on observation of an electoral system that suits the country in the upcoming general election in 2015.


Cambodian Parties Expect Draft Election Law by Month’s End
September 10 2014

Cambodia’s ruling and opposition parties expect to finalize a draft of the nation’s new election law by the end of the month as the centerpiece of key reforms promised in a July agreement that ended a nearly one-year political crisis, an official said Monday.
“The two parties hope to finalize the combined draft law by Sept. 29,” Deputy Prime Minister Bin Chhin said following Monday’s meeting between officials from Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) in the capital Phnom Penh.


Hong Kong Protesters March as Chief Urges ‘Good Sense’
September 15 2014

Pro-democracy activists staged a march yesterday protesting China’s decision to vet candidates for the first popular elections in 2017, as Hong Kong’s leader called for “good sense” on changes to the city’s political system.
Constitutional reform in Hong Kong should move forward, “whatever the pace,” Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said in a “Letter to Hong Kong” aired on Radio Television Hong Kong. The city’s people are ready for democracy, even as Hong Kong faces a “big challenge” in passing the necessary legislation, he said, according to a government transcriptof his remarks.

Hong Kong’s Pan-democrats Face a Steep Climb to Universal Suffrage
September 15 2014

For Albert Ho Chun-yan, who has spent three decades fighting for universal suffrage, the tough ruling by Beijing on Hong Kong’s next chief executive election did not come as any surprise.
“I have never been too optimistic,” says Ho, former chairman of the Democratic Party. “Hong Kong’s road to democracy is always linked with China. It’s destined to be a long, hard fight.”

Hong Kong Democracy Activists Shave Heads in Protest
September 10 2014

Pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong have shaved their heads in a protest over what they see as China’s growing political control over the city.
Forty people, including the founders of the Occupy Central movement, had their hair cut off in a church hall.

Hong Kong’s Occupy Central Plans Pro-Democracy Protest, But Not Yet
September 10 2014

The Hong Kong protest movement Occupy Central plans to launch a civil-disobedience campaign in early October to protest Beijing’s decision to effectively control who can run for the city’s top post, said a person close to the group.



PDI-P Calls for People Power
September 15 2014

As the six factions under Prabowo Subianto’s Red-and-White Coalition maintain their stance, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and its three coalition party members have placed their hopes on the government and public to maintain the direct election of local leaders.
The PDI-P, the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the Hanura Party have not succeeded in their effort to ward off a move by a majority of factions in the House of Representatives to reinstate the Soeharto-era election system, where regional legislative councils (DPRDs) elect local heads.

Indonesia’s Widodo wants to overturn law curbing anti-graft drive-adviser
September 12 2014

Indonesian president-elect Joko Widodo wants the top court to overturn legislation that makes it more difficult to investigate lawmakers for graft, an adviser said, referring to a law passed with little publicity in one of the world’s most corrupt countries.
Widodo’s team echoes the concerns of civil society groups that have challenged a law requiring investigators to get approval from a special parliamentary council before investigating lawmakers for corruption or other crimes.

The 2014 Indonesian General Elections:
September 10 2014

With the Indonesian General Elections of 2014, another milestone has been reached on the country’s path towards democratization. The 4th general elections were initiated with a legislative election on 9 April 2014. This first round saw the Indonesian Democracy Party – Struggle (PDIP) take 18.9% of the vote, therefore making it the most successful out of 15 political parties. Golkar ranked second with 14.75% of the vote, followed by Gerindra with 11.81% . Since no political party received the 25% of the vote that is required to run in the presidential election, two coalitions were formed. The Jokowi-JK coalition put forward Joko Widodo from PDIP and Jusuf Kalla from Golkar as its respective presidential and vice presidential candidates, while the Merah Putih coalition named Prabowo Subijanto (ex-general of the Soeharto era) from Gerindra and Hatta Rajasa (former Minister for Economic Affairs) as its respective presidential and vice presidential candidates. Receiving 53.15% of the total vote, Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Jusuf Kalla are expected to be sworn into office on 20 October 2014 as the new top Indonesian executives.



P-Noy Tells Allies He’s Not Seeking Reelection
September 15 2014

President Aquino has told allies that he is not seeking reelection despite endorsements from his supporters, Negros Occidental Gov. Alfredo Marañon Jr. said Saturday night.
“He has already categorically said that he is not running for a second term,” said Marañon, who attended a meeting of members of the ruling coalition, which was called by Aquino at Malacañang last Friday.



DPP Head Vows New Model For Interaction with China
September 15 2014

The opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) will take an assertive, pragmatic and steady approach to establish a “whole new model” of interaction with China, DPP Chairwoaman Tsai Ying-wen said Saturday.
The party is willing to face existing differences between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and proactively look for solutions to the disputes, Tsai said during a seminar on the United States’ policy on pivoting toward Asia and its implications for regional stability.

China and Taiwan walking the line of Rapprochement
September 12 2014

After more than six decades of conflict over the political status of Taiwan, Beijing and Taipei are taking significant steps toward rapprochement in their relations. Yet how much Chinese influence can Taiwan’s democracy tolerate?



Get to know one of the prime movers in the creation of the International Criminal Courty and UN Human Rights Council…
Liberal International is launching a new ‘know your bureau’ series!
‘Know your bureau’ will conclude as the 193rd Executive Committee begins in #HongKong this November.
First up is the newly elected president of LI, Dr Juli Minoves you can find out more about the LI President and his priorities for LI by clicking here:




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