NDI-CALD observes Indonesian Election and ends Asian Pre-Elections Assessment Missions

June 18, 2004 3:28 am Published by 0 Comments

(June 18, 2004/ Jakarta, Indonesia) The joint mission of the Washington DC-based National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and the Council of Asian Liberals & Democrats (CALD) is concluded today.  This is part of NDI and CALD’s joint programs in political party reform in Asia aimed at supporting parties’ efforts to strengthen internal democracy and accountability, to address the challenges of financing politics, and to include parties in anti-corruption dialogue and activities. Aside from Indonesia, three other countries were covered; namely, Taiwan, Korea and the Philippines.

The delegation met with representatives of the top political parties: Mr. Mochtar Buchori, MP and  Hasto Krisanto of PDI-P; Mr. Lawrence TP Siburian, MP of GOLKAR, Messrs. Alvin L.P. Lie, MP and Drajab Wibowo, MP of PAN; Secretary General Yunus Yosfiah, Messrs. Husnan Bey Fananie, MP, Ali Marwan Hanan and Azrul Azwar of PPP; and Luthfi Hasan Ishaq, MP, of PKS. The delegation also visited the following offices: the General Election Commission (Commissioner Chusnul Mar’iyah), the Anti-Corruption Commission (led by Deputy  Commissioner Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas), and the US-AID (Messrs. Rodd McGibbon and Philip Schwehm). The delegation also met civil society representatives (Executive Director Smita Notosusanto of the Centre for Electoral Reform; Mr. Luky Djani of Indonesian Corruption Watch, Ms. Emmy Hafild of Transparency International) and political analysts Dr.Andi Mallarangeng and Mr. Joseph Krisanti of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.

The members of the delegation were Education Undersecretary Jose Luis Martin Gascon of the Liberal Party of the Philippines, Taipei City Councilor Wilson Tien of the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, Dr. Syed Azman Syed Ahmad of Islamic Action Party Malaysia and Prof. Victor Manhid, Campaign Director of Philippine Presidential Candidate Fernando Poe Jr.

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The Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD) was inaugurated in Bangkok in 1993, with the support of then Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai and South Korea’s Kim Dae-Jung. CALD, which offers a unique platform for dialogue and cooperation, is the only regional alliance of liberal and democratic political parties in Asia.
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