The 5th ALDE-CALD Meeting held last 4-8 June 2012 at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium brought together delegates from European countries and Asian countries to discuss the state of trade relations between the two regions. Hosted by ALDE with the support of FNF, the gathering carried the theme “Trade: From Patronage to Partnership”. The objectives of the meeting were as follows: 1) To assess trade relations between Europe and Asia in the aftermath of the recent global financial crisis; 2) To discuss the effectiveness of social standards clauses included in trade agreements which aim to promote democracy, human rights, good governance, sustainable development, others; 3) To analyze the nature of relationship between multilateral and bilateral trade agreements and its implications for international trade; 4) To examine points of convergence and divergence between the two regions on their trade relations; and 5) To identify specific policy recommendations on how to improve the state of trade relations between the two regions towards the goal of promoting sustainable and equitable economic development.
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