CALD Resolution No. 3, S. 2013
Resolution declaring CALD’s strongest support for the people of Thailand in democratically expressing their desire to protect the rule of law through their peaceful demonstrations throughout the Kingdom of Thailand
Recognizing the common stand the people of Thailand have taken in voicing their opposition to the Amnesty Act which provides blanket amnesty to “…the persons accused of wrongdoings…from 2004 to 8 August 2013 regardless of their role whether the persons are instigators, supporters, or persons who ordered the criminal act, or the principal, if the act is unlawful, the persons shall be free from the liability and responsibility”;
Agreeing with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights’ objection to the Act’s “explicit pardoning of the people involved in serious human rights abuses during the political violence in April and May 2010”;
Concerned that the Act, will also grant amnesty to convictions for corruption by politicians, overruling decisions by the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Political Office Holders, and dropping ongoing charges of corruption against politicians, currently under investigation;
Duly Noting that such actions will perpetuate a culture of impunity for political violence and condone corruption, seriously undermining the country’s efforts towards reconciliation and good governance;
Mindful, that Thailand is a, as Signatory Party to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption 2003 (UNAC 2003) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Right: (ICCPR), and that Article 82 of the Thai Constitution states “… the state must abide by all International Treaties pertaining to human rights which Thailand is party to…” which reflects the spirit of Article 18 of the Vienna Convention “A State is obliged to refrain from acts which would defeat the object and purpose of a treaty”;
Reaffirming the core responsibility of any democratically elected government to respect and protect the rights of all individuals and not to enact any law which discriminates against individuals or groups based on political affiliations.
The Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD) hereby: Reiterates its resolve to uphold the key principles of Liberal Democracy – Respect for Human
Rights, Accountability of Governance, the Rule of Law, and Freedom of Expression;
Calls On the Government of Thailand, to act on the Truth and Reconciliations Commission of Thailand (TRTC)’s recommendations to take action on the serious and substantive findings backed by forensic evidence against all perpetrators to ensure accountability for human rights abuses;
Proudly Joins the People of Thailand from all walks of life, in their peaceful demonstrations to uphold the body and spirit of the rule of law, espoused by Thailand’s Constitution, to oppose all attempts to whitewash any individual or parties found guilty of any and all crimes under the due process of law; and
Stands Ready to provide recognition and support for peoples from all countries for their relentless pursuit of justice, freedom and democracy.
Adopted on 8 November 2013
For the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats:
Sam Rainsy J.R. Nereus Acosta
Chairperson Secretary General
Categorised in: Resolutions
This post was written by CALD