Youth leaders from Asian countries embarked on a four-day event in Cavite, Philippines that seeks to enhance their leadership skills and explore the challenges and opportunities of digital democracy.
From June 14 – 17, CALD Youth brought together aspiring young leaders from Asia to participate in the CALD Youth Political Academy (CYPA). Under the theme “Youth-Centric Leadership in the Age of Digitalization,” CYPA aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the world of modern politics and effectively engage in the digital realm.
CYPA, moderated by Jiggy Calucag and Jobelle Domingo from the Liberal Youth of the Philippines, focused on strategic communications and digital democracy. It also aimed to foster continuity and the expansion of the network by uniting both new and past participants. “CYPA is not just about workshops and themes; it’s about building connections. Embracing the diversity of ideas, challenging assumptions, and growing together.,” said CALD Youth Secretary General Jeremiah Tomas in his opening remarks.
The program commenced with a farm tour led by CALD Chairperson Kiko Pangilinan. The tour allowed participants to experience firsthand the importance of sustainable agriculture, food security, and its implications for socio-political development. Followed by a refresher session on liberal democracy facilitated by Philipp Leynes, Program Officer of the Center for Liberalism and Democracy, reminding participants of its fundamental principles and values. This first module session served as the foundation for the activities and lessons that followed.
Emphasizing the significance of civic and political engagement in the digital age, Kwankaow Kongdecha, from the Office of Innovation for Democracy King Prajadhipok’s Institute Thailand, dived into the importance of political participation for Module 2 as it allows the youth to have a voice, influence decision-making processes, and shape the policies and direction of their society. “Liberalism and democracy go hand in hand… Political participation is a collective action. It is not a one-way process but rather it helps dictate how we move today,” expressed Kongdecha as she ends her presentation.
The final module, led by Smartlink CEO Radu Magdin, revolved around strategic communication in leadership. Recognizing the pivotal role of effective communication and storytelling in the digital age, participants gained insights into key concepts and techniques to shape public discourse and mobilize support for their causes. This last module also tackled how technology can be harnessed for effective political participation and message dissemination. “Your purpose is not only to speak nicely but your purpose is to say something memorable. It is very important to know what we are and what we want so we can convey it effectively.”
CYPA served as a platform for building stronger bonds among the CALD Youth Networks. Through interactive workshops, lively discussions, and exciting networking activities, CYPA created an atmosphere where young leaders could learn, collaborate, and have a great time together. This combination of youth-centric leadership and a fun-filled approach made CYPA an unforgettable experience for all participants, nurturing lifelong connections and inspiring a new generation of changemakers. By connecting youth leaders from diverse backgrounds, CALD Youth fostered a regional network of individuals committed to promoting liberal democratic values.
Mentioned by Pangilinan in his closing remarks, our young leaders today can transform and create a brighter society. “Even if it’s just a flicker, we cannot allow the fire to die out because that fire—that flame of democracy, that flame of truth, that flame of human rights—must continue to burn. Because one day, that flicker of a flame will become a wildfire. Democracy will spread far and wide – and that’s the challenge for your generation… You are the catalysts for change, for your respective societies. You have the energy, you have the passion, you have the zing.” This was also echoed in CALD Youth’s Chair Siripa Intavichein’s message. “Throughout this workshop, you have witnessed the tremendous potential and energy that resides within each of you. It is this collective power that empowers us to drive positive change in our communities and beyond.”
By emphasizing the importance of liberalism, political and civic participation, digital democracy, and strategic communication, CYPA has laid the groundwork for a more inclusive and progressive future, one led by the youth and grounded in the principles of liberal democracy. Now more than ever, the world needs the ideas, passion, and unwavering commitment of the Youth to create a brighter tomorrow.
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This post was written by CALD